Washington County Conservation District Erosion and Sedimentation Division
DEP Updated Guidance for PCSM Plan Recording
Here are some helpful links to guidance on what is required when recording the PCSM plan. Remember that for PAG-02 General Permits, the PCSM plan and instrument need to be recorded prior to scheduling the pre-construction meeting. You should submit proof of recording to the conservation district for review prior to scheduling the pre-construction meeting.
All of these documents and many others can be found at:
E&S Resources | Department of Environmental Protection | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
E&S Resources | Department of Environmental Protection | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Click here for the "Chapter 102 VSIR Instructions"
Follow the link below to the video on how to access Qualified VSIR inspector training:
NPDES Permit Update
The Department of Environmental Protection will begin charging an annual fee for Individual NPDES permits that have not been properly terminated. Additional information about the annual fees can be found at DEP’s website on permit and annual fees. Invoices will be sent to permittees beginning in October 2021. For existing Individual NPDES Permits, the due date for annual fees is based on the anniversary of the effective date of the latest new or renewed permit as of August 28, 2021. If your project has been completed and all permit requirements met, please submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) to close out the permit.